What Colors Do Bed Bugs Hate? A Guide to Keeping Bugs Away from Your Bedroom

» Bed Bugs » What Colors Do Bed Bugs Hate? A Guide to Keeping Bugs Away from Your Bedroom

As an avid traveler, I’m always looking for ways to keep bed bugs away. One of the questions I’m often curious about is “What colors do bed bugs hate?” In this article, I’ll be looking at some of the colors that may help keep bed bugs away, as well as the potential reasons why they may be deterred by certain shades.

Biology of Bed Bugs

Biology Of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs belong to the family Cimicidae and are in the order Hemiptera. They are small, oval-shaped insects that feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals. Adult bed bugs are about 5-7 mm in length and have an elongated, flat body. They have a reddish-brown color, but after a blood meal they become swollen and darker in color. Bed bugs have a pair of antennae on the head and three pairs of legs. They have piercing-sucking mouthparts that they use to feed on the blood of their hosts. Bed bugs can survive for several months without a blood meal. They prefer to hide in dark, warm places such as cracks in walls and furniture, mattresses, and bedding. Bed bugs are most active at night when their hosts are sleeping. They can travel long distances and can even infest an entire house or apartment in a short amount of time.

Bed Bug Color Preferences

Bed Bug Color Preferences

Bed bugs are attracted to dark colors, including black, brown, and red. They are also attracted to warm fabrics like wool and leather. Bed bugs have even been known to bite through clothing to get to the skin underneath. In general, bed bugs are drawn to dark and warm colors. On the other hand, they are repelled by light colors, such as white, yellow, and light blue. These colors may make them feel exposed and vulnerable, so they tend to avoid them. Additionally, bed bugs don’t like scents or strong smells, so using scented laundry detergent or fabric softener may help repel them. Additionally, bed bugs don’t like the cold, so keeping your room cool may help ward them off.

What Colors Do Bed Bugs Hate?

What Colors Do Bed Bugs Hate?

Bed bugs have developed a taste for human blood and have been known to feed on human blood for centuries. Although they can survive on a variety of animal and human blood, they prefer human blood, making them a nuisance in homes, hotels, and other places where people spend a lot of time. As a result, many people are wondering what colors bed bugs are least likely to be attracted to.

There is some evidence that bed bugs prefer certain colors to others. In particular, research has shown that they are less likely to be attracted to certain shades of red, yellow, and green. It is believed that these colors are less attractive to bed bugs because they are harder for them to detect.

In addition, research has suggested that bed bugs may be repelled by certain shades of blue, purple, and black. These colors may be less attractive to bed bugs because they are harder to see, making them less likely to be seen by bed bugs.

Color Attraction
Red Less Attractive
Yellow Less Attractive
Green Less Attractive
Blue Less Attractive
Purple Less Attractive
Black Less Attractive

Overall, it appears that bed bugs are less likely to be attracted to certain shades of red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black. However, this is not a foolproof method of keeping bed bugs away since they can still be attracted to other colors. It is also important to note that bed bugs may still be attracted to certain shades of these colors if they are in close proximity to humans or other sources of food. Therefore, it is important to keep your home clean and free of clutter to help prevent bed bug infestations.

How Color Affects Bed Bugs

How Color Affects Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are attracted to colors in the warm-toned family, such as white, tan, and yellow. These colors make it easier for them to hide in cracks and crevices and blend into the background. Darker colors like black, navy blue, and deep red can make it more difficult for bed bugs to hide, so they are less likely to be found in these colors. While it’s not a foolproof method of keeping bed bugs away, using lighter colors in your bedding, furniture, and carpets can help reduce the risk of bed bug infestations.

How to Use Color to Repel Bed Bugs

How To Use Color To Repel Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a nuisance, and getting rid of them can be a challenge. Fortunately, there may be a way to repel bed bugs through the use of color. While color alone will not keep bed bugs out of your home, it may be an effective deterrent when combined with other methods.

To start, it is important to note that bed bugs are attracted to dark colors. They are especially drawn to dark corners and crevices, so it’s best to avoid these colors for your bedding, furniture, and other items. Instead, opt for lighter colors like white, light gray, or beige.

In addition to avoiding dark colors, you can use bright colors to your advantage. Studies have shown that bed bugs are repelled by certain colors, such as red, yellow, or orange. You can use these colors in your home to create a barrier between your bedding and furniture, and the walls and floors.

Finally, you can make use of color-blocking techniques. By strategically placing bright colors around your bed, furniture, and other areas, you can create a physical barrier that makes it harder for bed bugs to get to where they want to go.

Using color to repel bed bugs is not a surefire way of dealing with an infestation, but it can be a helpful tool when used in combination with other methods. Be sure to take the time to research the best colors to use, and keep in mind that color alone will not keep bed bugs away.

Natural Ways to Repel Bed Bugs

Natural Ways To Repel Bed Bugs

I’ve often heard that some colors can repel bed bugs. While there isn’t any scientific evidence to back this up, there are some natural ways to repel bed bugs without relying on color.

One of the best natural deterrents I’ve found is the use of essential oils. Bed bugs don’t like the smell of citrus, lavender, and eucalyptus. I suggest using an oil diffuser or spray bottle with a combination of these oils to keep bed bugs away.

Another natural bed bug repellent is diatomaceous earth. It’s a powder that kills bed bugs by drying them out. It’s completely safe to use around humans and pets, so it’s a great natural way to keep bed bugs away.

Finally, I like to use cedar oil to repel bed bugs. It has a strong odor that bugs can’t stand, and its residual effects can last up to two weeks. It’s easy to apply, and you can find cedar oil in most health food stores.

These are all great natural ways to repel bed bugs. While there isn’t any scientific evidence to suggest that certain colors deter them, these natural methods are tried and true.

Chemical Ways to Repel Bed Bugs

There are many chemical ways to repel bed bugs and prevent them from entering your home. The most common chemical used for this purpose is Diatomaceous Earth (DE). This is a fine powder made from the fossilized remains of microscopic creatures called diatoms. When applied to areas where bed bugs are active, DE acts like tiny razor blades that cut through the bed bug’s exoskeleton and dehydrate them. Another chemical control method is the use of Pyrethroid insecticides. These are synthetic versions of natural compounds found in certain plants and are used to kill a wide range of pests, including bed bugs. Pyrethroid insecticides are available in liquid, powder, and aerosol formulations and should be applied to cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide.

The use of Bed Bug sprays is also a popular chemical control method. These sprays are designed to kill bed bugs on contact and can be applied to furniture, mattresses, carpets, and other areas where bed bugs may be present. However, it’s important to note that these sprays will not prevent bed bugs from returning, so it’s important to use other methods of control.

Finally, some homeowners are turning to the use of professional pest control companies to help with bed bug infestations. These companies use chemical treatments that are often more effective than those available to homeowners. Professional pest control companies can also provide advice on how to reduce the risk of bed bug infestation in the future.

Product Description
Diatomaceous Earth Fine powder made from fossilized remains of diatoms which acts like tiny razor blades that cut through bed bug’s exoskeleton and dehydrate them
Pyrethroid Insecticides Synthetic versions of natural compounds found in certain plants used to kill a wide range of pests, including bed bugs
Bed Bug Sprays Designed to kill bed bugs on contact and should be applied to furniture, mattresses, carpets, and other areas where bed bugs may be present
Professional Pest Control Companies Use chemical treatments that are often more effective than those available to homeowners and provide advice on how to reduce the risk of bed bug infestation in the future

Pros and Cons of Using Color to Repel Bed Bugs

Using color to repel bed bugs can be a great way to reduce an infestation. Here are the pros and cons of this method:

  • Pro: Color has the power to discourage bed bugs from entering an area. Certain colors, such as white, can help deter bed bugs from entering a home or business.
  • Pro: Color can be used to create a barrier around an area. For example, using white bedding and curtains can help create a barrier that bed bugs can’t cross.
  • Con: Color alone may not be enough to completely get rid of an infestation. Bed bugs can still find ways to enter an area, so it’s important to use other methods of pest control in addition to color.
  • Con: Using certain colors can attract bed bugs instead of repel them. Darker colors, such as black and brown, can actually attract bed bugs to an area.

Ultimately, using color to repel bed bugs can be an effective method of pest control, but it’s important to know the pros and cons before attempting to use this technique.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any colors that bed bugs are known to avoid?

Bed bugs have no preference for color and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that any color attracts or repels them. They are known to congregate in dark, tight spaces and are attracted to body heat and the carbon dioxide we exhale. Therefore, the best way to prevent an infestation is to keep your home clean and clutter-free.

How can the color of my furniture and bedding help prevent bed bugs?

Dark colored items such as furniture and bedding make it more difficult for bed bugs to hide. Bed bugs are attracted to light-colored materials, so avoiding light-colored items in the bedroom can help reduce the chances of an infestation. Additionally, keeping items away from the bed and keeping the bed area clear can reduce the chances of bed bugs taking up residence.

What colors should I avoid when choosing fabrics for my bedding and furniture?

Dark colors such as black, brown, and navy are believed to attract bed bugs. To avoid them, opt for light-colored fabrics, preferably in white or cream. Pale shades of green, yellow, and blue can also be used. Avoid using any fabrics with bold patterns or designs as this can make it easier for bed bugs to hide.

Is there any evidence that certain colors repel bed bugs?

No, there is no scientific evidence that certain colors can repel bed bugs. Bed bugs are attracted to their host by body heat and carbon dioxide, not by colors. It is important to remember that bed bugs are highly adaptive and can hide in many different places and colors. Therefore, it is best to rely on other methods such as vacuuming and using insecticides to get rid of bed bugs.

Are there any colors that bed bugs are known to be attracted to?

No, bed bugs are not attracted to any particular color. They are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide, which all humans emit, making them indiscriminate when choosing a host.


The evidence suggests that bed bugs are not particularly attracted to any specific colors, but lighter colors may be more visible for them to detect. The most effective way to reduce bed bug infestations is to regularly inspect for them and take preventive measures such as good hygiene and regular vacuuming.

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