Natural Way to Keep Bugs Away When Camping: The Perfect Bug-Free Camping Trip!

» Bug Control » Natural Way to Keep Bugs Away When Camping: The Perfect Bug-Free Camping Trip!

As a camper, I’m always looking for a natural way to keep bugs away when camping. It can be annoying and even dangerous to be surrounded by bugs while you’re out in the great outdoors. Fortunately, there are some simple, natural ways to keep bugs away when camping that don’t involve using harsh chemicals or sprays. In this article, I’ll explain the best ways to get rid of bugs once and for all so that you can have a peaceful and enjoyable camping experience.

Types of Bugs

Types Of Bugs


Insect Description
Mosquitoes Flying insects that bite and suck blood
Flies Small insects that feed on rotting food and human waste
Ticks A type of arachnid that feeds on blood
Spiders Eight-legged arachnids that build webs and feed on small insects
Beetles Hard-shelled insects that feed on plants and other insects
Ants Social insects that build colonies and feed on a variety of food sources

Camping can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but it can also be a great way to attract bugs. Mosquitoes, flies, ticks, spiders, beetles, and ants are just some of the insects that can make a camping trip miserable. It is important to be aware of the different types of bugs that are in the area and the best way to keep them away while camping.

Natural Repellents

Natural Repellents

I’m not a fan of using chemical-based repellents when camping, so I’ve come up with alternative ways to keep bugs away.

1. Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to naturally repel bugs. I like to use lavender, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and citronella. I add a few drops of each oil to a spray bottle with water and spray it around my campsite and clothing.

2. Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are an easy and effective way to keep bugs away. I light them around my campsite to create a barrier of protection.

3. Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices can also be used to repel bugs. I like to sprinkle cayenne pepper, basil, mint, and oregano around my campsite. The smell of the herbs and spices is strong enough to keep the bugs away.

4. Garlic

Garlic is another great option for repelling bugs. I like to chop up garlic and sprinkle it around my campsite. The smell of garlic is strong enough to keep the bugs away.

5. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are a great way to keep bugs away. I like to sprinkle coffee grounds around my campsite and in my tent. The smell of coffee grounds is strong enough to keep the bugs away.

Other Prevention Techniques

Other Prevention Techniques

Keep a Clean Campsite

Maintaining a clean campsite is key to keeping bugs away. Make sure to keep all food, leftovers, and trash properly stored away. Keep the area around your campsite free of food debris and other organic materials. Additionally, make sure to clean up any spills or messes that may occur. This will help keep bugs away from your campsite as they are attracted to food.

2. Avoid Standing Water

2. Avoid Standing Water

Standing water is a great breeding ground for mosquitoes, so it’s important to avoid it when camping. Make sure you pick a campsite that’s away from rivers, streams, and lakes. If you have to camp near a body of water, make sure you get rid of any standing water near your campsite. If you’re camping near a lake, try to set up your tent on higher ground rather than near the water’s edge. If you’re camping near a river, make sure the area is dry and free of any standing water.

3. Wear Protective Clothing

3. Wear Protective Clothing
When camping, wearing protective clothing is an important step to keeping bugs away. I recommend wearing long sleeves and pants, as well as a hat and closed-toed shoes to reduce the number of exposed areas. Light colors are also helpful as they don’t attract bugs as much as darker colors. Additionally, tucking pants into socks and tucking shirt into pants will help further reduce bug exposure. Lastly, wearing insect repellent on clothing can be very helpful in keeping bugs away.

4. Use a Bug Net

When camping, bug nets are an essential tool to keep bugs away. Bug nets can be used to cover tents, hammocks, or any other type of shelter. They are designed to keep bugs out while allowing air to circulate.

To use a bug net, simply place the netting over the shelter, such as a tent or hammock. Secure the edges of the netting with tent pegs or other tie-downs. Make sure that the netting is taut, as any loose areas can let in bugs.

Advantages Disadvantages
Lightweight and portable Cannot be used in wet conditions
Inexpensive Can be difficult to install
Keeps out most bugs Some bugs can still get through

Bug nets have both advantages and disadvantages. They are lightweight and portable, making them easy to take camping. They are also relatively inexpensive and can keep out most bugs. However, they cannot be used in wet conditions, as the material can become weak and tear. Additionally, they can be difficult to install, as the netting must be properly secured and taut. Finally, some bugs, such as smaller insects, can still get through the netting.

Overall, bug nets are a great way to keep bugs away while camping. They are lightweight, portable, and relatively inexpensive. Just make sure to properly secure the netting to ensure that no bugs can get in.

5. Use a Fan

  • Bring a fan with you on your camping trip.
  • It can be battery-powered, a hand-cranked fan, or simply a fan that attaches to the tent.
  • The fan will create a breeze that will help keep the bugs away.
  • It will also help keep you cool in the summer heat.
  • If you have a generator, you can even plug in an electric fan to create a stronger breeze.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Natural Way to Keep Bugs Away When Camping?

Using natural methods to keep bugs away when camping is the safest and most eco-friendly way to ensure a pleasant outdoor experience. Natural bug repellents can be made using essential oils, such as citronella, lavender, and eucalyptus, as well as other herbs and plants like garlic, basil, and rosemary. Burning natural repellents like sage and citronella candles can also be used to keep bugs away. Additionally, wearing light-colored clothing and avoiding scented products can help to reduce the number of bugs attracted to campers.

What are some methods to keep bugs away while camping?

Insect repellents containing natural ingredients such as citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass and peppermint are effective in keeping bugs away. Utilizing campfire smoke as a natural deterrent is also an effective method. Campers can also hang mesh bags containing dried herbs such as lavender, rosemary and basil around the campsite. Additionally, burning citronella candles or using electronic bug zappers can help to keep bugs away. Finally, keeping food and drinks stored in sealed containers and regularly cleaning up any leftovers can help to minimize the presence of bugs.

How can I get rid of bugs while camping?

Natural repellents such as essential oils, garlic, and citronella can be used to keep bugs away while camping. Applying a combination of these oils to your skin, clothes, and camping gear can help keep away mosquitoes, ticks, and other bugs. Additionally, keeping your camping area clean and free of food scraps and other waste can reduce the amount of bugs that may be attracted to the area.

What are some strategies to keep bugs away from campsite?

Set up your campsite away from water sources, such as lakes, creeks, and rivers, as these are prime breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other insects. Use screens on all windows and doors to keep bugs out of your tent or cabin. Place a fan near the entrance of your tent to keep flying insects away. Avoid wearing bright colors or fragrant perfumes that attract bugs. If possible, light a mosquito coil or citronella candle nearby. Keep food and drinks sealed and store them in a cool, dry place to avoid attracting bugs. Lastly, inspect your campsite for potential bug havens, such as piles of leaves and logs, and get rid of them.

What are the best ways to keep bugs away when camping?

To keep bugs away when camping, a few natural methods can be employed. Placing a few cloves of garlic around the campsite can help deter bugs. Citronella candles, torches and oils can also be used to keep mosquitoes and other bugs away from the campsite. Burning bagasse or cedar chips can be used to create a smoke barrier that helps deter bugs. Finally, using insect repellent sprays containing natural ingredients like lemongrass, lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint can be used to keep bugs away from the campsite.


I have shared some of the best natural methods of keeping bugs away when camping. These methods are easy to implement, cost effective, and highly effective. I hope that you have found this article useful and that you can use the information provided to keep bugs away from your camping area. With these natural methods, you can enjoy your camping trip without having to worry about the bugs.

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