How to Clean Mattress of Bed Bugs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Bug-Free Sleep

» Bed Bugs » How to Clean Mattress of Bed Bugs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Bug-Free Sleep

Are you dealing with bed bugs in your mattress? If yes, then you are probably wondering how to clean mattress of bed bugs. Well, I have been there and I am here to help. I have gathered some of the best tips that I have used to get rid of bed bugs and make sure they never come back. Follow these steps and you can be sure that your mattress will be free of bed bugs in no time.

What Are Bed Bugs?

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on human and animal blood. Adults are typically 4-5 mm long, reddish-brown in color, and oval in shape. They have flat bodies and are capable of hiding in small crevices. They are also adept at going unnoticed during the day due to their nocturnal behavior.

Their main source of food is human and animal blood, which they acquire by biting their hosts. They are known to feed on multiple hosts in a single night, and can survive for months without feeding. Bed bug bites can cause itching, swelling, and irritation, and can sometimes lead to allergic reactions.

Characteristic Description
Size 4-5 mm
Color Reddish-brown
Shape Oval
Behavior Nocturnal
Diet Human/Animal blood
Bites Itching, swelling, irritation

Signs and Symptoms of Bed Bug Infestation

Signs And Symptoms Of Bed Bug Infestation

I’ve noticed tell-tale signs of a bed bug infestation. The first is red, itchy welts on my body, usually in a line, which are usually the result of a bed bug bite. I also found small spots of blood on my bedding and mattress. Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures, so I have seen them in the dark, scurrying away when I turn on the light. I have also seen their molted skins and eggs in the crevices and seams of my mattress or box spring. Lastly, I have seen a sweet, sickly smell coming from my mattress.

If I suspect a bed bug infestation, I should also check the following areas for signs of them:

Area Signs
Bedding Small spots of blood, molted skins, eggs, and fecal matter.
Mattress Small spots of blood, molted skins, eggs, and fecal matter in the crevices and seams.
Furniture Molted skins and eggs in crevices and seams.
Carpet Small bugs scurrying away when disturbed.

Vacuum Cleaning

Vacuum Cleaning
I started my mattress cleaning process by vacuuming it. I used a vacuum with a nozzle attachment to get into the tight spots and crevices. I vacuumed both sides of the mattress and the sides of the mattress as well. This will help to remove any bed bugs that might be hiding in the small spaces. I also vacuumed the entire bed frame, headboard, and footboard.

Steam Cleaning

Steam Cleaning
Once I finished vacuuming, I used a steam cleaner to further clean my mattress. The steam will also help to kill any bed bugs or eggs that may be hiding in the mattress. I used a steam cleaner with a special mattress attachment so that I could get deep into the mattress and really clean it.

Hot Water Treatments

I then used hot water treatments to further clean my mattress. I used a mixture of hot water and detergent to help remove any bed bug residue that may be left on the mattress. I made sure to thoroughly wash and rinse the mattress to ensure that all the bed bug residue was removed.

Chemical Treatments

Finally, I used a chemical treatment to completely eradicate any bed bugs that may be hiding in the mattress. I used a special bed bug spray that is specifically designed to kill bed bugs and eggs. I sprayed the entire mattress and bed frame with the spray and allowed it to dry completely before I put the bedding back on.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I clean my mattress to get rid of bed bugs?

Vacuuming the mattress is the first step in eradicating bed bugs. Vacuum all sides and edges of the mattress and box springs thoroughly. Pay close attention to seams, tufts, and folds. Discard the vacuum bag after use. Steam clean the mattress to get rid of any remaining bed bugs and eggs. Use a handheld steamer on the mattress, paying special attention to the seams and tufts. This will kill all the bed bugs and eggs. Wash all bedding in hot water and dry in a hot dryer to kill any remaining bed bugs. Use a mattress encasement to protect the mattress from future bed bug infestations.

What are the best ways to dispose of a bed bug infested mattress?

The best way to dispose of an infested mattress is to take it to a local waste management facility that offers mattress-disposal services. If this is not an option, some pest control companies can help with mattress removal. Additionally, many furniture and mattress retailers offer pickup and disposal services for mattresses that have been infested with bed bugs. If none of these options are available, the mattress should be securely sealed in heavy-duty plastic before being disposed of with regular trash.

Are there any special techniques for getting rid of bed bugs in a mattress?

Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Special techniques such as steaming and vacuuming can help to eliminate them from mattresses. Vacuuming helps to remove adult bed bugs, eggs, and larvae, while steam treatments can penetrate deep into mattress seams and cracks to kill any remaining bugs. It is recommended to combine both treatments for the best results. Additionally, encasing the mattress in a bed bug-proof cover can help to prevent future infestations.

Is there a way to prevent bed bugs from coming back to the mattress?

Bed bugs can be difficult to eliminate, hence it is important to take the right steps to prevent their re-infestation. Vacuuming the mattress and surrounding area regularly and washing bedding in hot water is a good start. Keeping the mattress in an encasement also helps to keep bed bugs out. Furthermore, eliminating clutter and sealing cracks or crevices in walls, floors and bed frames can be effective in preventing bed bugs from coming back.

How often should I clean my mattress to keep bed bugs away?

It is recommended to vacuum your mattress at least once every six months to remove any dust and dirt. Additionally, you should steam-clean your mattress at least once a year to kill any bed bugs that may be present. It is also important to inspect your mattress regularly for any signs of bed bugs. If you notice any signs of an infestation, you should contact a professional pest control service to eliminate the problem.


I hope this article has been helpful in giving you the necessary information and tips on how to clean mattress of bed bugs. If you follow the above steps, you should be able to get rid of the bed bugs in your mattress and keep them away for good. Furthermore, having a clean mattress will allow for healthy sleeping and improved overall health of both you and your family.

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