How Long Do Stink Bugs Stay Around? Find Out About These Pestilent Bugs!

» Bug Control » How Long Do Stink Bugs Stay Around? Find Out About These Pestilent Bugs!

As a homeowner, one of the last things I want to deal with is a stink bug infestation. But the truth is, these smelly pests are increasingly common and can be hard to get rid of. That’s why I decided to look into the question of “how long do stink bugs stay around?” to understand more about these pesky critters. In this article, I’ll be exploring the life cycle of a stink bug and uncovering the answer to this common question.

Definition of Stink Bugs

Definition Of Stink Bugs

  • Stink bugs are a type of insect, belonging to the order Hemiptera.
  • They have a shield-like shape, with a length of around 17 mm.
  • They are typically green or brown in color, with a distinct, foul-smelling odor.
  • They feed on a variety of plants, including vegetables, fruits, and grains.
  • They are considered a major agricultural pest, as they can cause extensive damage to crops.

Stink bugs are a nuisance to homeowners and farmers alike, as they can invade homes and damage crops. They have a short lifespan, typically lasting only a few months.

Where They Are Found

Where They Are Found

Stink bugs are found all over the world, however they are most commonly found in the United States, Asia, and Europe. In the United States, stink bugs are typically found in the eastern and midwestern regions, with some species found in the western and southwestern regions as well. As for the Asia and Europe, the stink bugs are commonly found in agricultural areas, particularly in locations with agricultural crops that are susceptible to insect infestation such as rice, soybeans, and apples.

Stink Bug Season

Stink Bug Season

Stink bug season typically runs from late spring to early fall. During this time, the warm temperatures and availability of food attract stink bugs to your backyard and garden.

In the early spring, they are most active during the day, but as the temperatures rise, they tend to move to the shade in the late afternoon and at night. This is when they become most active, and when they are most likely to enter your home.

During peak season, you can expect to see large numbers of stink bugs in your garden and around the exterior of your home. They will feed on plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and if not controlled, can cause extensive damage to your garden.

Stink bugs are also attracted to light, so you may notice them swarming around porch lights and windows. They also tend to overwinter in homes, and may be seen in large numbers in the late fall.

Time of Year Activity Level
Late Spring High
Early Summer High
Late Summer High
Early Fall High
Late Fall Moderate

To prevent a stink bug infestation, be sure to keep your windows and doors closed during peak season. Seal any cracks or crevices around the exterior of your home to prevent them from entering. Additionally, make sure to remove any debris or clutter from around your home and yard, as this can be a great hiding spot for stink bugs.

When it Starts

When It Starts

Table of Contents

Month Activity
March Stink bugs begin to wake up from winter dormancy.
April Adults migrate to the outdoors, where they feed and mate.
May Females begin to lay eggs on the underside of leaves.
June-August Eggs hatch into nymphs, which feed voraciously on plants.
September-October Nymphs mature into adults, which feed and mate to begin the cycle again.

Stink bugs generally begin to stir in the early spring. As the weather warms up, they wake up from their winter dormancy and begin to move around. By April, the adults are out and about, looking for food and mates.

Around May, the female stink bugs start to lay eggs on the underside of leaves. These eggs will hatch into nymphs, which feed voraciously on plants throughout the summer. By September and October, these nymphs will have grown into adults, and the cycle will begin again.

When it Ends

When It Ends

Stink bugs usually stay around for a few months, with the peak of their activity being in the late summer months. Depending on the species, they can stay around from early April until late October. After that, they will start to die off in the winter due to the cold temperatures.

Species Timeframe
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug April – October
Southern Green Stink Bug June – October
Green Stink Bug April – October

Once the winter months arrive, the stink bugs will start to die off naturally. There is no need to worry about them staying around for the entire year. They will usually be gone by the time the cold weather arrives.

Stink Bug Habits

Stink Bug Habits

  • Stink bugs feed on a wide range of plants, including vegetables, fruits, and tree leaves.
  • They congregate in large numbers, so they can become a major pest problem in gardens and fields.
  • Stink bugs are most active during the day and seek shelter at night.
  • They often hide in cracks and crevices in walls, under leaves and debris, and in the bark of trees.
  • Stink bugs are typically found in warmer climates, where they can remain active year-round.
  • In cooler climates, they go dormant during the winter, only becoming active again in the spring.
  • Stink bugs typically live for one to two years.

What they eat

What They Eat

Stink bugs are omnivores and eat a wide variety of plants, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. They feed on a variety of crops, including corn, soybeans, tomatoes, peppers, beans, and potatoes. They also feed on the sap of trees and shrubs, as well as other insects. They feed on aphids and other small insects, as well as mites and caterpillars.

Plants Insects
Fruits Aphids
Vegetables Mites
Grains Caterpillars
Corn Other small insects
Sap of trees and shrubs

Where They Hide

Where They Hide

Stink bugs will often hide in cracks and crevices around the home. They’re attracted to warmth and can often be found in attics, basements and wall voids. They can also hide in furniture, behind baseboards, and in window and door frames. Stink bugs will also seek out outdoor hiding spots such as beneath leaves and logs, under outdoor furniture, and in shrubs and other vegetation.

Impact of Stink Bugs

Impact Of Stink Bugs

  • Stink bugs are plant pests that feed on fruits and vegetables.
  • They can cause significant damage to agricultural crops, resulting in decreased yields and reduced crop quality.
  • They can also be a nuisance to homeowners and gardeners, as they are attracted to lights and can enter homes, cars, and other areas.
  • Stink bugs can also transmit plant diseases, which can lead to decreased crop yields and economic losses for farmers.
  • Stink bugs can also affect the health of people and animals, as they can cause allergic reactions, skin irritation, and respiratory issues.

Damage to Crops

Damage To Crops

  • Stink bugs feed on a range of plants, which can cause extensive damage.
  • They can damage fruits, vegetables, and grains, including soybeans, corn, and tomatoes.
  • Stink bugs puncture the skin of the plants, causing them to become discolored and misshapen.
  • The bugs also secrete an enzyme which can further damage the plants.
  • This damage can lead to reduced yields and lower quality crops.

Health concerns

Health Concerns

Stinkbugs have the potential to cause health problems for humans. The smell emitted by the bug when it is disturbed can cause breathing difficulties, headaches, and eye irritation. In rare cases, people may suffer from skin irritation or an allergic reaction. Stinkbugs are also known to carry disease-causing bacteria and viruses, which can spread to humans through contact.

Another possible health concern is the bug’s ability to contaminate food. If a stinkbug lands on food, it can transfer bacteria and viruses onto the food. As a result, it is important to inspect food for stinkbugs before consuming it.

Stinkbugs are also capable of damaging plants, which can lead to crop losses. This can have a direct impact on the food supply and cause food shortages.

Finally, stinkbugs can also be a nuisance. They can enter homes and businesses, which can cause discomfort and stress.

How Long Do Stink Bugs Stay Around?

How Long Do Stink Bugs Stay Around?

  • Stink bugs can live up to 3 years in average, but the total lifespan depends on the climate and the species.
  • During the summer months, stink bugs are at their most active, and their population can grow quickly.
  • In the winter months, stink bugs become inactive and hide in protected areas, such as in cracks and crevices of buildings or trees.
  • In the spring, the stink bugs become active again and breed, which can lead to a population increase.
  • Stink bugs can lay eggs multiple times in one season, so the population can increase quickly.
  • Stink bugs are not very mobile and will usually stay in the same area for the entire duration of their life cycle.
  • Stink bugs can survive through cold temperatures and may remain active year-round in warmer climates.

Stink bugs can be a nuisance, but they can also be beneficial as they help to control harmful insects. If you have a stink bug problem, it is important to know how long they stay around so you can effectively control them.

Life cycle

Life Cycle

Stink bugs go through four stages of the life cycle: egg, nymph, adult, and overwinter adult. The egg stage can last from 5 to 10 days, depending on temperature. During the nymph stage, the stink bug will molt five times, and last from two to four weeks. After the nymph stage, the adult bug will emerge and begin to mate. The adult stage can last from one to two months. During the late fall and winter months, the overwinter adult stage begins. This is when the bug will find a place to hibernate during the cold winter months. During this stage, the stink bug can live for up to eight months.

Once the overwinter adult stage is complete, the life cycle begins again with the egg stage.

Variables affecting lifespan

Variables Affecting Lifespan

  • Factors such as temperature, humidity and diet can affect the lifespan of a stink bug.
  • Stink bugs will usually live longer in warmer climates, as cooler temperatures can cause them to enter a state of dormancy.
  • Too much moisture can also cause a stink bug to die, so humidity levels should be monitored.
  • Diet is also important, as stink bugs need a balanced diet of proteins and carbohydrates in order to survive.
  • Insecticides and other chemicals used to control stink bug populations can also shorten their lifespan.

Prevention and Control

Prevention And Control

  • Remove sources of food, water, and shelter from your home and yard.
  • Use screens on windows and doors.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation, walls, and other areas.
  • Install weather stripping around windows and doors.
  • Clean up fallen fruits, vegetables, and other debris from your yard.
  • Use caulk or expanding foam to seal any remaining openings.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove stink bugs from your home.
  • Use a caulking gun to seal cracks and crevices in the exterior of your home.
  • Apply pesticides or insecticides to the outside of your home.
  • Hang sticky traps or insect light traps around your home.

Methods for getting rid of stink bugs

The most effective and efficient method of removing stink bugs from my home is to vacuum them. Use a vacuum cleaner and nozzle attachment to suck up the bugs. Dispose of the bag immediately after use to prevent the bugs from escaping.

Another option is to use a good quality bug spray. I recommend using a product specifically formulated for stink bugs. Spray the bugs directly with the product and then vacuum up the dead bugs.

If the bugs are accessible, I can also remove them by hand. Wear gloves to avoid getting bitten. Place the bugs in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Fill the container with soapy water to kill the bugs.

I can also prevent stink bugs from entering my home by sealing potential entry points. Look for gaps and cracks around doors, windows, and other openings. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal the openings.

Finally, if I have a large infestation, I can also hire a pest control expert. They can identify the source of the problem and provide more effective solutions.

Method Description
Vacuuming Use a vacuum cleaner and nozzle attachment to suck up the bugs.
Bug Spray Spray the bugs directly with a product specifically formulated for stink bugs.
Removing by Hand Wear gloves and place the bugs in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.
Sealing Potential Entry Points Look for gaps and cracks around doors, windows, and other openings and seal with caulk or weatherstripping.
Pest Control Expert Hire a pest control expert to identify the source of the problem and provide more effective solutions.

How to Prevent Stink Bugs

I can prevent stink bugs by keeping them away from my home. The most effective way to do this is to seal up any cracks or openings around doors and windows. This will prevent them from entering the house. I can also keep them out by regularly vacuuming around doors and windows. This will help remove any eggs or larvae that may be present.

I can also reduce the number of stink bugs in my home by eliminating areas around my home where they can hide. These areas include piles of leaves, wood piles, and other debris. I should also check for any standing water around my home, as this can be a breeding ground for stink bugs.

I can also reduce the number of stink bugs in my garden by keeping the plants well-watered and healthy. Healthy plants are less attractive to stink bugs than wilted or damaged ones. I can also use insecticides or traps to reduce the number of stink bugs in my garden.

Finally, I can reduce the number of stink bugs in my home by regularly cleaning up any food scraps that may attract them. This includes anything from fruits and vegetables to pet food. Keeping food stored in sealed containers can also help prevent stink bugs from entering my home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Stink Bug Season Last?

Stink bugs typically appear in the spring and remain active until late fall. Depending on the climate, stink bug season can last from April to October. In milder climates, stink bugs may even stay active throughout winter. Stink bug populations are highest in August and September when the insects are mating and laying eggs. However, individual stink bugs can live for up to 2 years, so late spring and early fall may also see a surge in activity.

When is Stink Bug Season Over?

Stink bugs are most active from spring to autumn. During these months, they are typically seen outdoors, congregating on plants and near sources of light. As temperatures drop in the winter months, stink bugs become much less active and will often seek refuge indoors. Stink bug season usually ends when temperatures consistently stay below an average of 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

What are Stink Bugs a Sign of?

Stink bugs are a sign of an imbalance in the ecosystem. They are attracted to areas where there is a high concentration of food sources, such as fruit trees or gardens. If there is an abundance of food, the population of stink bugs can quickly grow. This can be a problem as they can be invasive and damage agricultural crops.

When are Stink Bugs Most Active?

Stink bugs are most active during the warmer months, from late spring to early fall. During this time, they can be seen gathering in large numbers on the outside of buildings and homes to find a place to hibernate during the winter. They are also active during the day, when they will feed on plants and fruits.

How Long Do Stink Bugs Live Without Food?

Stink bugs typically live for up to one year, however, they can survive for several months without food. They have evolved to become fairly adaptable to different temperatures and climates and can enter a state of hibernation in order to survive for extended periods of time without food. During this state, stink bugs will become inactive and their metabolism will slow down significantly, allowing them to go for long periods without food.


Stink bugs can live anywhere from two months to several years, depending on the species and environment. While most species of stink bugs will survive through winter, some die off in cold climates. Stink bugs are a nuisance pest, but with proper management practices, the population can be kept to a minimum. Even though stink bugs may not be a pleasant sight, they can actually be beneficial since they feed on garden pests. Knowing more about their habits and life cycle can help to better understand and manage their presence.

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