How Long Can Bed Bugs Survive in an Empty House? – Answers from the Experts on Bugs!

» Bed Bugs » How Long Can Bed Bugs Survive in an Empty House? – Answers from the Experts on Bugs!

As a homeowner, I’m sure you’ve heard of the dreaded bed bug infestation, and you’re probably wondering: how long can bed bugs live in an empty house? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t straightforward, as there are several factors that can affect the lifespan of bed bugs in an empty house. In this article, we’ll explore these factors and provide tips on how to prevent and eradicate bed bugs from your home.

What Are Bed Bugs?

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are reddish-brown in color, flat, and oval in shape. Adult bed bugs are 4-5 mm in length and 1.5-3 mm in width. Bed bugs can be found in mattresses, bed frames, headboards, furniture, carpets, and other places. They are most active at night and feed on exposed skin. Bed bugs can survive for months without a food source and can reproduce rapidly.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live in an Empty House?

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In An Empty House?

Bed bugs can live up to a year in an empty house without a food source. However, the average bed bug lifespan is about four to six months when there is no host present. Bed bugs may survive for even longer periods of time in an empty house if the conditions are favorable, such as a warm and humid environment. Bed bugs can survive for up to a year without feeding, but their development slows down as they become increasingly hungry.

Bed bugs are resilient creatures that can survive in a wide range of temperatures, ranging from near freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. In an empty home, the temperature may not be as comfortable as in a home with humans and pets. To survive, bed bugs will seek out cool, dark, and damp places to hide. They are attracted to clutter and crevices, such as behind baseboards and under furniture.

Bed bugs can also survive without food by entering a state of diapause. During diapause, bed bugs can survive without feeding for up to three months. This is a form of hibernation that allows bed bugs to survive when food is scarce.

In an empty house, bed bugs can also survive off of other insects, such as cockroaches, as well as dead skin cells and other debris. Bed bugs will also seek out any food source, including human and pet blood.

In summary, bed bugs can survive for up to a year in an empty house without a food source. However, their development slows down as their hunger increases and they enter a state of diapause, allowing them to survive for up to three months without feeding. Bed bugs can also survive off of other insects, dead skin cells, and debris, as well as any food source they can find.

What Do Bed Bugs Need to Survive?

What Do Bed Bugs Need To Survive?

Bed bugs need three things to survive: food, warmth, and shelter. Without these, they can’t reproduce and will eventually die.

Need Description
Food Bed bugs feed on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals.
Warmth In order to survive, bed bugs must live in temperatures between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Shelter Bed bugs need a place to hide and reproduce. They tend to stay close to their source of food, so they can often be found in mattresses, bed frames, and other furniture.

Without these three things, bed bugs won’t survive for long in an empty house. They will eventually die off without food, warmth, and shelter.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live in a Mattress?

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In A Mattress?

Bed bugs can live in a mattress for up to 18 months without a food source. However, they generally prefer to feed on a human host, and when present, can live up to a year in a mattress. Bed bugs are resilient pests, and can survive in a variety of temperatures and humidities. They can become dormant in colder temperatures, and can remain in a dormant state for up to 18 months. Without a food source, bed bugs can still survive for up to 8 months in a mattress. To eliminate bed bugs from a mattress, it is important to use a mattress encasement, which creates an impenetrable barrier. Vacuuming the mattress and surrounding area is also an effective way to remove bed bugs.

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live in Furniture?

How Long Can Bed Bugs Live In Furniture?

Bed bug infestations are a common problem for homeowners, and furniture is one of the most common places for them to hide. Bed bugs can live in furniture for up to a year, depending on the temperature and humidity of the room. They can survive in even the most inhospitable environments, so it’s important to take steps to protect yourself and your furniture from infestations.

Bed bugs can hide in a variety of furniture items, including mattresses, couches, chairs, and headboards. They can also hide in cracks and crevices in furniture, such as between cushions or in the seams of a mattress. They can survive on minimal food sources, so they can remain in furniture for long periods of time.

The best way to prevent bed bugs from infesting your furniture is to keep it clean and free of clutter. Vacuuming regularly will help remove any bed bugs that may be hiding in the furniture. Additionally, regularly laundering linens and bedding can help prevent an infestation.

If you’ve already noticed signs of a bed bug infestation, it’s important to take action quickly. Bed bugs can spread quickly, so it’s important to contact a professional pest control company to help eliminate the infestation. A professional pest control company can provide a variety of treatment options to help eliminate the bed bug problem and help prevent future infestations.

By taking steps to protect your furniture from bed bugs, you can help keep your home free of infestations and enjoy peace of mind.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide in an Empty House?

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide In An Empty House?

When there are no people or animals in an empty house, bed bugs can quickly find shelter in the cracks and crevices of furniture, behind baseboards, in outlet covers, and along the edges of carpets. They can also hide in mattresses and box springs, since these items are rarely moved and often provide a warm, dark environment for them to thrive in. Bed bugs are also adept at hiding in upholstered furniture, such as couches and chairs, as these items provide ample areas for them to nest. In addition, bed bugs may hide in luggage, shoes, clothing, and other items that have been left behind in the house, as these items can provide a food source for them. Finally, bed bugs can also be found in wall voids, and may even hide in the crevices of electrical outlets and light switches.

Given the places where bed bugs may hide, it is not surprising that they can survive for long periods of time in an empty house. Studies have shown that bed bugs can survive for up to a year without a food source, which means they can easily survive in an empty house for extended periods of time.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in an Empty House

Bed bugs are a frustrating pest that can be difficult to get rid of. If you have an empty house, it is important to take steps to prevent bed bugs from infesting. Here are five steps to help you get rid of bed bugs in an empty house:

Step Description
1 Clean and vacuum the house thoroughly. Vacuum all cracks and crevices, especially around beds and furniture.
2 Seal any cracks or openings in the walls, floors, and ceilings. This will prevent bed bugs from entering the house.
3 Wash all fabrics, such as curtains and bedding, in hot water. Dry on the highest heat setting.
4 Use a pesticide specifically designed to kill bed bugs. Apply the pesticide in all areas of the house where bed bugs are likely to be present.
5 Monitor the house regularly for signs of bed bugs. If you find any bed bugs, repeat the above steps.

Following these steps will help you get rid of bed bugs in an empty house. It is important to note that bed bugs can survive without food for up to a year, so it is important to remain vigilant and check for signs of infestation regularly.

Prevention and Control of Bed Bugs

Preventing a bed bug infestation from occurring requires vigilance and proactive measures. I recommend the following steps:

  • Regularly inspect for the presence of bed bugs and their signs, such as fecal matter and shed skins.
  • Vacuum regularly, paying particular attention to cracks, crevices, and other hiding spots.
  • Thoroughly clean any secondhand furniture before bringing it into the house.
  • Encase mattresses, box springs, and pillows in dust-proof covers.
  • Use a mattress with a low profile so that bed bugs cannot hide in the cracks and crevices between the mattress and the bed frame.
  • Discard clutter in bedrooms and other rooms to reduce the number of places bed bugs can hide.
  • Repair any cracks or crevices in walls and floors.
  • Seal food and other items in airtight containers.
  • Regularly wash and dry bedding and clothing in hot water.
  • Ensure that regular pest control is performed.

If an infestation has already occurred, a combination of physical and chemical treatments is typically used to eradicate the problem. Physical treatments include vacuuming and steaming, while chemical treatments may involve the use of insecticides, dusts, and aerosols. I recommend consulting a professional pest control company to determine the best course of action.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can bed bugs survive in an empty house?

Bed bugs can survive up to a year without food, however, they will eventually die of starvation if a food source is not available. Without a host to feed on, bed bugs will look for alternative sources of nutrition such as other insects, dust, and pet dander. If an empty house is not regularly cleaned and all food sources are removed, bed bugs will eventually die off after about a year.

How can bed bugs survive in a mattress for so long?

Bed bugs can survive for long periods of time in a mattress due to their ability to survive on small amounts of food. They can feed on human and animal blood, and can survive for several months without eating. They also have the ability to survive extreme temperatures and can even survive without air for several days. Additionally, bed bugs can hide in the crevices of a mattress, where they are protected from predators and extreme temperatures.

What Furniture Do Bed Bugs Live In?

Bed bugs can live in any type of furniture, including beds, mattresses, couches, chairs, dressers, and even wall hangings. They can also hide in cracks and crevices, baseboards, and around window and door frames. Bed bugs may also live in electrical outlets and wall hangings, and other items stored in closets. To prevent bed bugs from living in furniture, keep furniture clean and vacuum regularly.

How do bed bugs survive in an empty house?

Bed bugs can survive in an empty house by seeking shelter in cracks and crevices, or by attaching themselves to items of furniture or clothing that have been left behind. Bed bugs can survive up to a year without a blood meal, and may feed on other sources such as pet dander or other insects if needed. They are also capable of entering a dormant state to conserve energy.

Where do bed bugs hide in an empty house?

Bed bugs can hide in many places in an empty house, including mattresses, box springs, bed frames, furniture and baseboards. They can also be found behind wallpaper, under carpeting and even in light fixtures. Bed bugs can also hide in cracks and crevices in walls and floors, and in other items throughout the house, such as books, clothing, and paper.


Bed bugs can live for up to a year without a host and it is possible for them to survive in an empty house. However, the longer the house is empty, the less likely it is that the bed bugs will be able to survive. If there is no food or water source, they will eventually die off. The best way to prevent bed bugs from coming into the home is to take preventative measures such as regularly vacuuming and sealing off any entry points. Additionally, regular inspections should be done to ensure that any signs of an infestation are identified and dealt with quickly.

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